1-5 October 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<em><u><strong><font color="purple"><font size=5>International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) 2018</font></font></strong></u></em>

Incorporating Computational Exercises into Introductory Physics Courses

4 Oct 2018, 15:00


Oral Presentation Track F - ICT and Multimedia Revolution in Physics Education Parallel Session 3


Prof. Gerd Kortemeyer (Michigan State University)


The talk describes the incorporation of computational exercises into introductory physics courses: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. While these courses traditionally emphasize symbolic and numerical calculations, as well as experimental methods, over the last decade, increasingly computational methods are incorporated into the curricula. The talk discusses opportunities for and examples of incorporating VPython projects, as well as logistics, learning outcomes, and student feedback.

Primary author

Prof. Gerd Kortemeyer (Michigan State University)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.

Peer reviewing
