Poster Session 2: Education, Nuclear, Photonics, Condensed Matter
- Andrew Forbes (U. Witwatersrand)
- Simon Mullins (iThemba LABS (Gauteng))
- Sam Ramaila (University of Johannesburg)
- Japie Engelbrecht (NMMU)
Jespere Calderone Nzobadila Ondze
(University of the Western Cape)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The massive nature of neutrinos opens the possibility that they could be Majorana fermions (the neutrino being the same as its antiparticle). The observation of a neutrinoless double beta (0&nußß) decay will validate this possibility and its measured decay rate will determine the absolute neutrino mass scale. However, if the latter were observed, there still exists a large uncertainty on the...
Magoja Malebati
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
More advanced Zr-based alloys are being developed for the more severe operating conditions such as higher burn-up and increased operation temperature, this is due to their good resistance to corrosion and high melting point. In this work, density functional theory have been used to investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of Zr-Nb-Co system at various concentrations. We used the...
Kessie Govender
(Cape Peninsula University of Technology)
, Ms
Meena Patel
(Cape Peninsula University of Technology)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Entangled photons are an essential ingredient in quantum information and quantum computing systems. We are currently investigating entangled photon generation via four-wave-mixing using a diamond configuration formed by four levels in Rubidium. Two pump laser beams of different wavelengths drive the atoms from a ground state |1> to an excited state |3> via an intermediate state |2>. The...
Anneke Erasmus
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
The use of spatial ptychography, a lensless imaging technique, in microscopy is well established. A ptychographical iterative engine (PIE) is a phase retrieval algorithm used to reconstruct the amplitude and phase of the sample from its far-field diffraction patterns. This holds some advantages over conventional imaging. In this work, the PIE algorithm described uses, as input, the diffraction...
Brandon Hattingh
(LRI Stellenbosch)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Resonant Ionisation Spectroscopy (RIS) is of growing interest as tool in the production and quality assurance of isotopes for medical applications. It is also a tool for precision investigation of exotic nuclei in many large nuclear physics facilities such as CERN. We report on the development of a versatile setup for tunable laser based atomic spectroscopy that will be used to investigate...
Victory Opeolu
(Cape Peninsula University of Technology)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
External cavity diode lasers (ECDL) are commonly used these days in laser cooling experiments involving Rubidium atoms. By adjusting the cavity length as well as the diode current the laser frequency can be finely tuned. The ECDL is locked to the appropriate Rubidium transition using a saturation absorption set together with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to control the...
Shandirai Tunhuma
(University of Pretoria)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
The current-voltage characteristics of Pd/n-4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes in the 300-800 K temperature range have been analysed . Barrier height and ideality factor were found to be highly temperature dependent. Barrier height increases whilst ideality factor decreases with an increase in temperature and the conventional activation energy plot showed some deviation from linearity. This was...
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The detailed spectroscopy of 152Gd has been studied at iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences using the 150Sm(α,2n)152Gd reaction and the AFRODITE gamma-ray spectrometer. The aim is to investigate the E1 transitions between the octupole and the first excited 02+ bands, and also to build previously known decay scheme of 152Gd and extend it with new transitions that have not been...
Leelakrishna Reddy
(University of Johannesburg)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
Traditionally evaluation of physics practical work at universities is based on a laboratory report characterising the activities a particular experiment. Such an evaluation generally puts a learner under considerable pressure in view of the required language proficiency as an additional aspect considered during the evaluation of the report and for which penalties might be incurred. This...
Daniel Wamwangi
, Dr
Mathe Bhekumusa
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Amorphous C/diamond-like thin films have been prepared by rf plasma enhanced vapour deposition from a CH4/Ar gas mixture. Infrared and optical-ultraviolet absorption characteristics are reported and used to characterize the bonding and optical properties of these films. The relationship between the optical band gap, dc self-bias and the hydrogen content is investigated. It is found that the...
Hlosani Dube
(Wits Masters Student)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
The elastic anisotropy of transparent polymer films and layers can be investigated nondestructively using Brillouin scattering techniques. In this study, an application of Reflection Induced ΘA scattering (RIΘA) technique is introduced. In this geometry, we can simultaneously obtain RIΘA scattering and back scattering peaks in one frequency spectrum. Because the shift frequency of 180...
Hlosani Dube
(University of the Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
The elastic anisotropy of transparent polymer films and layers can be isanvestigated nondestructively using Brillouin scattering techniques. In this study, an application of Reflection Induced ΘA scattering (RIΘA) technique is introduced. In this geometry, we can simultaneously obtain RIΘA scattering and back scattering peaks in one frequency spectrum. Because the shift frequency of 180...
Bernard Mwakemwa
, Dr
Jacqueline Nel
, Mr
Shadrach Akinkuade
, Prof.
Walter Meyer
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Zinc oxide nanorods were deposited on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass and silicon substrates, nickel oxide layer of 400 nm was deposited on the nanorods thereby forming a heterojunction between p-type nickel oxide and n-type zinc oxide thin films. The junction was characterised using x-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscope. The current-voltage...
Nobom Hashe
(Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
The ternary semiconductor AlxGa1-xAs alloy finds many applications in the electronics industry. With very nearly the same lattice constant as GaAs, it is used as a barrier material in GaAs based heterostructure devices, where the AlGaAs layer confines the electrons to a gallium arsenide region. An example of an AlGaAs/GaAs device is a quantum well infrared photodetector. Alloys are grown on...
Thulani Jili
(University of Zululand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Different experimental techniques have clearly demonstrated that the predominant intrinsic point defects in ionic barium fluoride are anion Frenkel pairs. We utilized positron annihilation technique in obtaining Doppler broadening spectra in the temperature range 300 – 900 K. Theoretical approach uses the density functional theory and the generalized gradient approximation which calculate the...
Wiseman Xolani
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The iThemba LABS segmented clover detector is a new generation gamma spectroscopy detector and is made of four Ge crystals. Each crystal has one central electrode where a high voltage with positive polarity is applied, while the outside electrode is grounded and segmented 8-fold. When a gamma-ray interacts inside the detector it creates charges. These charges move towards the electrodes...
Macdufe Mkabela
(National Metrology Institution of South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
This presentation addresses sources of uncertainties in an ultraviolet (UV) spectroradiometry setup for measuring spectral irradiance. In UV spectroradiometry, spectral irradiance measurements have high uncertainties mainly due to a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the UV region; however other factors may also contribute to high uncertainties. Therefore determining the sources of...
Phathutshedzo Murovhi
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Declaration of uranium and thorium isotopic content is of utmost importance in safeguard and IAEA agency including the uranium enrichment. Gamma spectroscopy is currently the most preferred methodology in safeguards due to none destructive nature. Historical 360 L drums that cannot be characterized using the IQ-3 drum scanner have become a challenge not only by size but also by density, and...
Joram Ndayishimye
(iThemba LABS)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Research conducted at iThemba LABS showed that chiral symmetry can develop in the thallium isotopes in the 190 mass region. In order to increase the knowledge about chirality in this mass region, a ɤ-spectroscopy study of 193Tl was performed at iThemba LABS. The previous level scheme of 193Tl was modified and extended. Spin and parity were assigned to most of the levels. Three negative parity...
Hasani Chauke
(University of Limpopo)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Ab-initio density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation was used to investigate the interaction of oxygen molecule with the Pt (100), (110) and (111) surfaces. The oxidation of Pt may lead in the development and enhancement of the catalytic activity of fuel-cells, especially those operating at low temperatures, such as proton exchange membrane fuel cells and proton...
Nyiku Mahonisi
(University of Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
The computer-controlled shaping of light beams using digital holography has triggered the applications of these to a great variety of fields. Technological advances had provided with devices capable not only to generate almost any beam shape but also to multiplex multiple beams simultaneously. This property has provided a new tool to explore novel fields. The idea behind multiplexing is to...
Linda Mdletshe
(University of Zululand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The excited states of 162Yb have been studied at iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba LABS), using the 150Sm (16O, 4n)162Yb fusion-evaporation reaction. The beam of 83 MeV 16O was provided by the Separated-Sector Cyclotron (SSC) and used to bombard a 3 m/cm2 150Sm target. The &gamma -rays emitted...
Makuhane Sithole
(University of the Western Cape)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
In odd-nuclei the single nucleon can couple to collective excitations of its even-even core nucleus. These collective excitations lie within the pairing gap and are therefore the lowest energy excitations of the core. Our physics motivation is to search for structures where an odd neutron couples to collective excitations of the 162Yb core. We also intend to search for high-K...
Charles Thulani Thethwayo
(University of Zululand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
tin oxide (SnO2) nanostructures were synthesized using chemical bath method and DC magnetron sputtering. SnO2 oxide nanostructures were deposited at different temperatures (300 oC, 400 oC, and 500 0C. XRD results shows that as the temperature increases also the cystalinity increases. SEM results also show that particle sizes increase with...
Ratsimandresy Holinirina Dina Miora
(Laser Research Institute, Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
A fluorescence microscopy is an essential tool in the life sciences. In particular, it can be used for tracking a single molecule in a living cell or organic substance such as a polymer. Single molecule trajectory analysis allows an efficient method to explore intermolecular dynamics. Introduction of a technique named double helix point spread function enables accurate localization and...
megersa kasim hussen
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Effect of Cr3+ doping on structural, electronic and optical property of ZnGa2O4 for bio imaging application
Hussen M. K.*, Dejene B.F,
Department of Physics, University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus), Private Bag X13,
Phuthaditjhaba, 9866, South Africa
* Corresponding author: Tel: +27 58 718 5269; Fax: +27 58 718 5444;
Key words:ZnGa2O4 nanoparticles,...
Sharon Kiprotich
(University of the Free State)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Cadmium telluride; excitation; luminescence; optical properties; Crystallite size.
CdTe was synthesized by a simple wet chemical process at different reaction temperatures. Temperature is known to be a key thermodynamic factor that plays an important role in controlling the growth rate of the nanoparticle, the morphology, size and size distribution of the as-prepared CdTe...
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Recently, one-dimensional (1D) semiconductor such as nanowires, nanobelts, nanorods and nanotubes have attracted much interest due to their unique properties and potential use in a wide range of device such as single electron transistor [1], photodiodes [2] and sensing applications [3]. 1D structures of ZnO with a wide band gap (3.37 eV) and large exciton energy (60 meV) at room temperature...
Abdulsalam Ismaila
, Dr
Franscious Cummings
(University of the Western Cape)
, Prof.
Shunmugan, R Naidoo
(DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials,University of the Witwatersrand, Wits)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
An initial investigation of the optical properties of silver doped amorphous carbon films is presented in this study. The effects of alternate variations of irradiation energies and fluences in relation to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) were studied. The study exhibits that the shifts in energy and fluences suggested a change in the overall optical absorbance and consequently on the...
Nokwazi Purity Mphuthi
(Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory: Space Geodesy)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Due to their novel properties, Bessel beams have found interesting applications in the fields of metrology, imaging, non-linear optics, micromanipulation, atom guiding and beam shaping for coronagraphs. Their main drawback is in energy losses encountered during propagation, which therefore can limit their usage for long distance applications. In this work, we investigate the energy...
Yaseera Ismail
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Magneto-optical trapping (MOT) is a standard tool for the creation of cold atom. The development of cold atom experiments has led to the advancement of many fields, which includes high precision metrology [1], atomic and molecular physics [2, 3] as well as atom optics [4]. Magneto- optical trapping is implemented by using the combination of on-resonant laser cooling techniques, to provide a...
(Cape Peninsula University of Technology)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
We have analyzed and discussed the hadronic abundances measured in Au-Au, p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at RHIC and LHC experiments using THERMUS. The results were obtained with two particle data tables, and their differences were explained. In particular, the data from the RHIC experiment for Au-Au collisions at 130 GeV and 200 GeV were discussed and analyzed. Similarly, using the preliminary...
Chané Simone Moodley
(University of the Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
In the last decade, through high energy-resolution proton inelastic-scattering experiments, it was revealed that giant resonances carry fine structure as a signature of damping mechanisms. Now, for the first time, such high energy-resolution measurements can be made with intermediate energy α-particle inelastic-scattering at zero-degrees, where preferentially the Isoscalar Giant Monopole...
Nathan Boyles
(UCT, NRF/iThemba LABS)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN which is studying properties of the Quark-Gluon (QGP) Plasma using lead-lead (Pb-Pb), proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions. To cope with the increasing luminosity of the LHC, due to the need for more statistics and precision measurements of the QGP, the ALICE experiment is...
Leelakrishna Reddy
(University of Johannesburg)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
Students’ academic experiences can be maximized through meaningful pedagogic tasks that are central to the improvement of instruction in various educational settings. The effectiveness of various teaching methods remains a key imperative for the realization of meaningful student academic performance. As part of this inquiry, Physics students’ perceptions of various teaching methods were...
Leelakrishna Reddy
(University of Johannesburg)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
Adequate understanding of units and measurements is a key competence required for the enhancement of scientific literacy. Success in both theoretical and practical components of Physics courses depends to a large extent on the ability to convert and manipulate both fundamental and derived units. In light of this imperative, this investigation probed students’ conceptual competence in units and...
Fusion Splicing of Double-Clad Large Mode Area Fibres for Fabrication of High Power Fibre Laser
Mosima Kgomo
(CSIR National Laser Centre)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Fibre based lasers have become a dominant laser architecture due to high output powers and efficiencies, compact form factors, and excellent beam quality. Double-clad large mode area fibres are required to achieve high output power (up to kW level).
The performance and integrity of an all-fibre laser is critically dependant on the quality of splices between different components...
NP Chonco
(University of Zululand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Abstract. There is a growing necessity for materials to be used under extreme conditions. Diamond is well known as an excellent material which has high hardness, good thermal conductivity and chemical resistance. In this study, we tried to grow diamond films on p-type silicon substrate and also on glass substrates by using the method of spin coating. Diamond films were grown by direct current...
Isaac Nape
(Structured Light Lab, School of Physics, University of Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Secure key generation and distribution schemes are essential for establishing secure communication networks against any potential eavesdropping. Quantum key distribution (QKD) offers the advantage of having a provably security scheme that is guaranteed by quantum mechanics. Previous implementations relied on polarisation qubit (d=2 dimensional) photonic state manipulation which impose limits...
(University of The Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Current laser cavities are designed in such a way as to generate fundamental Gaussian modes, however, these modes are not suited for the application in hand which raise the need for higher-order modes. Examples of such modes are the higher-order vector vortex modes which are spatial modes of light with a non-uniform polarization distribution. These higher-order modes are routinely generated in...
(University of the Free State)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Yttrium Gadolinium Aluminate; Oxygen pressure; Photoluminescence; Crystal field.
Abstract: Yttrium Gadolinium Aluminate doped with Cerium (Y-Gd)3 Al5 O12: Ce3+) thin films were grown on silicon wafer substrate by pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD) under oxygen atmospheres and substrate temperature of 300 °C during the film deposition process. The effect of oxygen partial...
Francis Dejene
(University of the Free State)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Semiconductor, pH, ZnO nanoparticles, blue emmision
Abstract: ZnO nanoparticles were prepared by sol-gel process using various solvents. The sol-gel process is inexpensive, reliable, repeatable and simple. In this paper, we report the role of pH value on the structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles. NaOH was used to vary the pH values of the precursors from 10 to...
Ruan Viljoen
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Supercontinuum pulses produced by a polarisation maintaining all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fibre (ANDi-PCF) can be used to probe Raman active molecules and produce anti-Stokes Raman scattered light in a single beam setup. This supercontinuum is compressed and pumps and probes the sample ‘simultaneously’. In this poster, we present the experimental setup used to perform such Raman...
Audu Innocent
(University of Pretoria)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Thin film of tungsten (W) was deposited on glassy carbon (GC) substrate using a magnetron sputtering system. The as-deposited samples were annealed under vacuum at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1000 oC for 1hr. The interaction in the interface of W and GC was investigated Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). RUMP software was used to simulate...
Shane Smith
(Laser Research Institute, University of Stellenbosch)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Ellipsometry is a spectroscopic technique with which one can obtain both the refractive index and absorption coefficient of a sample by measuring the polarization resolved light reflected from it. This is especially useful in situations where making use of a reference sample is unwanted. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is a powerful spectroscopic tool, but terahertz radiation is strongly...
Mahjoub Ismail
(Postgradiuate student)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Recently, there has been a renewed interest in employing glassy carbonto contain radioactive fission products. Oneof the fission products, Xe is significant by itself due to its high neutron absorption crosssection and high production as a fission product. 200 keV Xenon (Xe) ions were implanted in the glassy carbon samples to a fluence of 1 × 10^16 Xe+ cm-2 at room temperature. The diffusion...
Lerato Baloyi
(University of the Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The study of alpha-cluster (two proton two neutron) in light nuclei have been well documented with experimental evidences. Meanwhile, in the recent experiments performed at iThemba LABS using (p,t) reaction on 22Ne with the K600 magnetic spectrometer, a 22.5 MeV state was found, which accounts for 5-alpha cluster situated at 3.3 MeV above the 5-alpha break-up threshold. However, this state...
Bart Smit
(MSc Student)
, Ms
Nancy Payne
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is used to study photo-induced structural phase transitions and dynamics in crystalline materials, with high temporal (sub-ps) and spatial (sub-Angstrom) resolution. Such research can offer insight into the interactions between the different vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom of the material.
The radical anion Cu-dicyanochino-diimine...
Fatemeh Taghizadeh
(University of Pretoria)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
High resolution deep level transient spectroscopy (Laplace DLTS) was used to study Si doped n-type epitaxial GaAs. In this work, we used Au as the target material for the deposition of GaAs samples by sputtering deposition system. Three different doping densities of GaAs (1x1015 cm-3, 1x1016 cm-3 and 8x1016 cm-3) were deposited...
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Semiconductors, Electronic structure, Magnetic Properties, Optical properties
Abstract: Ce3+, Cu2+ co-doped ZnO (Zn1_2xCexCux O: x¼0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05) nanocrystals were synthesized by the use of sol-gel technique. These nanocrystals were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), scanning electron...
Msebi Lumkile
((University of Westren Cape))
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Measurements of lifetime and transition moments for excited nuclear levels are fundamentally important in experimental nuclear physics since they reveal crucial properties of nuclear structure.
Recently a fast timing array has been assembled at iThemba LABS, Cape Town consisting of eight 2" by 2" LaBrtext3 (Ce) detectors. Several experimental runs have been done with 22...
Emile Meoto
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Quantum systems with a strangeness degree of freedom are very important as they provide an extra dimension, and hence a deeper insight into nuclear matter. Usually phenomenological potentials obtained through meson exchange theories have been used in investigating these hypernuclear systems. A lambda-neutron interaction constructed through fixed-angular momentum inversion based on the...
Selepe Joel Motloung
(University of the Free State)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Terbium activated lanthanum phosphovanadate phosphor powders were synthesized using solution combustion method. The concentration of terbium was varied from 1 – 10 mol %. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that all different concentrations exhibit the same trend, implying that dopant concentration on host did not affect crystal structure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show that...
Mantwa Annah Lephoto
(University of the Free State (QwaQwa campus), Private Bag X13, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866, South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Combustion method; William-Hall; Band-gap; Photoluminescence; CIE.
Abstract: BaB8O13: Ce3+ powder phosphors were synthesized by solution combustion method for general lighting applications. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy and photoluminescence studies were used to characterize the prepared powder phosphors....
sibaliso mhlanga
(ithemba LABS)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The performance of a particle collider is characterised by the luminosity, that is, the number of collisions produced over time per cross-section. At the LHC, luminosity determination is based on the cross-section of a reference process – the so called visible cross section measured in the van der Meer (VDM) scans.
The measurement of these cross sections is based on the particle detection...
Mordecai Mashamaite
(Materials Modeling Centre)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
A molecular dynamic study of Ti50-x Zrx Pt50 as potential high temperature shape memory alloy has been performed using the LAMMPS code. The lattice dynamics, elastic properties and temperature dependence were deduced to determine the effect of ternary addition with Zr on the Ti sub-lattice at varied temperature range. It was found that the lattice parameter...
Benard Mwankemwa
, Dr
Jackie Nel
, Prof.
Mmantsae Diale
, Mr
Shadrach Akinkuade
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
In this study, we report on the chemical bath deposited (CBD) copper (Cu) doped ZnO nanorods. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), Raman and photoluminescence (PL) studies have been done in order to investigate the effect of doping concentration on ZnO nanostructures. XRD patterns of the ZnO nanorods, show a remarkably strong diffraction peak along the (002) direction...
Mamogo Masenya
(Physics Department, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, South Africa, iThemba LABS (Gauteng), Private Bag 11, WITS 2050, South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Nanomaterials are intensively researched due to a number of superior properties such as opto - electronic, mechanical, higher ratio of surface - to - volume ratio, etc. compared to those of their bulk counterparts. The objective of this study is to induce Si nanostructures by thermal dewetting of selected metals on c-Si substrate. Acid - etched and non - treated Si substrate were both useful...
Bonginkosi Kheswa
(University of Johannesburg)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
At certain locations in the s-process path, there are unstable nuclei with beta-decay rates comparable to the neutron capture rates. This opens up a new possible pathway for the s-process: instead of just undergoing beta decay, the radioactive nucleus could also survive long enough to capture a neutron. Hence, the s-process splits into two branches; these special cases are called s-process...
Stefan von Buddenbrock
(University of the Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
At the LHC, the most abundant processes which take place in proton-proton collisions are the generation of multijet events. These final states rely heavily on phenomenological models and perturbative corrections which are not fully understood, and yet for many physics searches at the LHC, multijet processes are an important background to deal with. It is therefore imperative that the modeling...
Emmanuel Igumbor
(University of Pretoria)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
In this report, an ab initio calculation results of the Mo dopant induced levels in Ge were presented. The density functional theory (DFT) with the Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof (HSE06) hybrid functional was used to calculate the minimum total energies for the Mo vacancy-complexes of Ge (VGe MoGe) and Mo substitution in Ge (MoGe). The formation energies of the...
Sefako John Mofokeng
(University of South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Up-converting luminescent nanoparticles are promising and advantageous alternative to possess anti-Stokes shift emission by up-converting near infrared (NIR) excitation light (980 nm) to emit visible light [1, 2]. In the present work, ZnTiO3 nanophosphor doped with different concentrations of Er3+ ions were synthesized via a conventional solid state reaction method using metal oxides as...
Frederick Waso
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
In this project we will develop a laboratory setup to do Resonant Ionisation Spectroscopy (RIS) of the non-radioactive isotopes of Tin (Sn). Using the RIS method a target element can be ionised and subsequently extracted by electric fields. This method is a critical step in the production of Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) used in nuclear physics research, for example at CERN ISOLDE, or for...
Bonginkosi Zikhali
(University of Zululand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
The nuclear level density (NLD) and γ-ray strength function (γSF) are quantities that give
essential information about the behaviour of a nucleus at high excitation energy. NLD is defined
as the number of levels per unit of excitation energy. γSF is defined as a measure of the average
reduced γ decay probability of a nucleus. These concepts are useful at high excitation...
Lucas Gailele
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Traditionally it has been custom to shape light using static diffractive optical elements (DOEs) tailored to a specific application giving only one shape. However the invention of spatial light modulators (SLM) which have nematic liquid crystals that are able to be controlled electronically to shape the phase of an optical beam into different patterns in real time. This innovation proved to ...
Bart Smit
(Stellenbosch University)
, Ms
Nancy Payne
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Well-established X-ray crystallography techniques allow for full steady-state structural analysis of unknown samples. Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) has the added advantage of being able to look at structural properties of samples upon photoexcitation as a function of time, with sub-picosecond temporal resolution. While combining sensitivity to molecular structure with ultrafast...
Leelakrishna Reddy
(University of Johannesburg)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
A flagship community engagement initiative is coordinated within the Faculty of Science at a South African university. This initiative takes the form of a strategic and innovative instructional intervention which makes provision for tutoring of learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band by providing tuition through contact sessions on Fridays, Saturdays and during school recess....
Brian Nyandoro
(University of South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Energetic stability of transition metal ions in diamond holds the prospect of achieving a diamond based dilute magnetic semiconductor, which, in addition to diamond’s extreme properties may successfully be considered for spintronic device applications. However, the high formation energy of transition metal ions in diamond leads to low concentration of dopant ions, which has a detrimental...
Nolufundo Sintwa
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
ZnO nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using the eco-friendly green method, where Zinc nitrate was reacted with the extract of Callistemon Viminalis’ (Bottle Brush). The structural and optical properties were determined using X-Ray diffraction and Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The XRD showed that zincite was synthesized having a hexagonal structure and a room temperature PL was...
Nwabisa Takata
(Fort Hare Institute of Technology, University of Fort Hare, National Metrology Institute of South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Un-doped and carbon-doped titanium dioxide nanotubes (C-TNTs) were synthesized using a template-assisted sol-gel technique employing titanium tetra butoxide precursor and oxalic acid as the dopant. SEM, XRD, FTIR and Confocal Raman spectroscopy (CRS) was used to evaluate the morphological and structural properties of the as-synthesized TNTs. SEM analysis has revealed the presence of...
Jimmy Mokoena
(Tshwane University of technology)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Polymeric thin films in electronic device applications are becoming more commonplace due to relatively low production and material cost when compared to conventional semiconductors.
Polyaniline is one of the most widely studied conducting polymers and organic semiconductor due to its rich chemistry and relative stability.
Current research efforts into polymer based photo-voltaic and...
Simcelile Zinya
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Titanium dioxide nanotubes (TNTs) arrays were grown on the titanium film layers sputter coated on a conductive glass substrate for the development of photoelectrodes for dye-sensitized solar cell application. Highly cohesive titanium films were deposited on functional substrates (FS) using RF sputtering technique at a sputtering power of 150W, operating pressure of 39 mbar and at a deposition...
Adam Shnier
(University of Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
South Africa and the rest of the world have the challenge of a rapidly growing demand for energy. This leads us to seek out a low cost, high efficiency technology for energy generation which is easily scalable, such as hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (HOIP) as well as other thin film energy materials. [1,2,3,4] HOIPs are held back by their limited stability, to which...
Bonginkosi Zikhali
(University of wersten cape physics)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
A state of the art electron spectrometer for the measurement of internal conversion electrons is undergoing development at iThemba LABS. The spectrometer will be used to study the nuclear configuration of multiple excited 0+ states such as in Cd nuclei. The study focuses on the high‐energy internal conversion electrons and through pair production from these nuclei. At present, measurements of...
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
Acquiring Physics knowledge for undergraduates comes with lots of anxiety and apathy on the part of most students. Examinations have a major influence on the approach to studying physics and hence have an effect on the students’ performance. Many students may stay away from lectures, however, they will do everything possible to attend tests and examinations. The influence of examinations on...
Sinovuyo Makinana
(1Fort Hare Institute of Technology (FHIT), University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, Alice, 5700, Republic of South Africa. 2Chemistry department, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, Alice, 5700, Republic of South Africa)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
CdSe quantum dots (QDs) with different particle sizes were successfully synthesized using the hot-injection method. The CdSe QDS were synthesized by reacting cadmium acetate dihydrate [Cd (CH3COO) 2∙2H2O] and selenium (Se) powder in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol as the capping agent. CdSe QDs of different crystallite sizes were prepared at different reaction temperatures of 150ºC to 175ºC,...
Prettier Morongoa Maleka
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Cerium (Ce3+) doped alkaline-sodium-phosphate or NaMPO4 (where M= Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba) phosphors were prepared by solution combustion method with different doping concentrations of Ce3+ (0.5 mol %, 1.0 mol % and 1.5 mol %). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), were used to analyse the crystalline structure and particle morphology...
Francis Dejene
(University of the Free State)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Key words: Vanadate, Crystallinity, Thermogravimetric
Abstract: The zinc vanadate (Zn2V2O7) phosphor was prepared by a sol-gel method followed by annealing at temperatures between 700 ℃ - 850 ℃. The effect of annealing temperature on the structure and photoluminescence of Zn2V2O7 was investigated. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed the single monoclinic phase of Zn2V2O7 [1]. The...
Chani van Niekerk
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
We have investigated the electronic structure of the charge density wave (CDW) compound TiSe2 using detailed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements from the core levels (Ti 2p, Se 3p and Se 3d), as well as the valence band. Four different samples were provided to us by collaborators at the University of Bath, in addition to corresponding resistivity measurements. Each...
Mohapi Thebe
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track E - Physics Education
Poster Presentation
The efficacy of computer-based laboratory experiments was explored as a means through which physics practical work can be enhanced for the benefit of students. The study was conducted with physics students at a South African university of technology. Students enrolled for engineering as well as chemistry and non-destructing testing programs were exposed to computer-based laboratory...
Skhathisomusa Mthembu
(University of the Witwatersrand)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics
Poster Presentation
Plastic scintillators are vital in the reconstruction of hadronic particle energy and tracks resulting from the collision of high energy particles in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These plastic scintillators are exposed to harsh radiation environments and are susceptible to radiation damage. The effects of radiation damage on the transmittance, luminescence and light yield of...
Joseph Asante
(Tshwane University of Technology)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
A Cu(111) and Cu(100) were thermally doped with the same concentrations of Sn (0.14 at%) and Sb (0.12 at%) in both crystals. Auger electron spectroscopy was used to measure the segregation profiles. The segregation parameters of Sn and Sb were extracted by comparing simulated profiles with the experimental data.
The segregation profiles in the two crystals were compared and it was found that...
Luleka Menzi
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
This study focuses on aluminum doped-zinc oxide (AZO) nanoparticles which have been synthesized using the sol-gel method at room temperature. The gel was a resultant of a zinc acetate dehydrate precursor, absolute ethanol as a solvent, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a stabilizing ligand and tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH, 25WT%) to initiate ZnO nanoparticle formation. The zinc acetate...
Crispin Mbulanga
(Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials
Poster Presentation
Gel-oxidation method is a thermochemical method used to modify and form surface layers on Ti surface by controlling the thickness and morphology of surfaces. It can be described in terms of the following two-step process: (i) gelation: a Titanium based hydrogel is formed on Ti surface from corrosive reagent such as NaOH, KOH, LiOH, H2O2, …; and (ii) oxidation: the hydrogel is oxidised at...
Charmaine Sibanda
(Stellenbosch University)
05/07/2017, 17:10
Track C - Photonics
Poster Presentation
Single molecule fluorescence microscopy is a well known imaging technique used to image single probes in their nano environment. Optical studies of individual probes provide rare photo physical and photo chemical processes that are hidden in the ensemble average [1]. Fluorescence microscopy images are a source of information about the structure and the spatial distribution of a molecule of...