SA-ESRF Light Source Conference
The conference focuses on the scientific Association of South Africa with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France- especially in light of the currently ongoing upgrades. A key aim is to grow the South African synchrotron user community by highlighting the versatility and cutting-edge nature of the ESRF infrastructure. The Programme includes alternating plenary and plenary and workshop sessions on Monday and Tuesday. Plenaries will mostly be presented by ESRF beamline scientists detailing the novel opportunities following the ESRF-EBS upgrade. Workshop style parallel sessions will examine how South African scientists can take advantage of thesedevelopment, how they can scope beam-time proposals for optimal success and will constitute a South African light source based user meeting with presentation of recent research results. presentations will include talks, flash-poster orals and poster sessions. Wednesday will feature a forward-looking strategic planning session for light-source based science in South Africa.
Topics include:
Topics include:
- Medical Sciences,
- Heritage Sciences and Paleontology
- Geo- and Environmental Sciences
- Energy Sciences
- Nano, Materials and Mineral Sciences
- Accelerator and Detector Sciences
- Competitive Industry
- Capacity Building
- Strategy and policy for the South African community.
Venue : Johannesburg Business School
The SA-ESRF Light Source Conference is supported by:

For more information on sponsorship, contact the organising committee by mail, Tshepo Ntsoane at sponsorship packages available. Contact the organising committee by mail, Tshepo Ntsoane at