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Dejene BF. dejenebf@qwa.ufs.ac.za
University of the free state, Qwaqwa Campus.
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
Ali AG, Dejene BFa* and Swartb HC.
aDepartment of Physics, University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus), Private Bag X13, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866, South Africa.
bDepartment of Physics, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, B loemfontein, 9300, South Africa
Sol-combustion synthesis was used to obtain nanocrystalline La2O2S:Eu red-emitting phosphors. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was employed to determine that the powders in the as-synthesized samples were crystalline. Upon increasing the La/S molar ratios, the crystallinity in the nanosized particles increased, which resulted in a higher photoluminescence emission intensity of these phosphors. Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry analysis showed that there is a negligible difference in the absorbed impurities with various molar ratios. Hence, it was concluded that the La/S molar ratio plays an important role in the luminescence intensity of these phosphors.