1-5 October 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<em><u><strong><font color="purple"><font size=5>International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) 2018</font></font></strong></u></em>

Co-Creating Inclusion in Physics: Learning from What Helps Women of Color Thrive

2 Oct 2018, 14:00


Oral Presentation Track L - Other (Please elaborate under comments below) Plenary


Dr Apriel K Hodari (Eureka Scientific, Inc. Oakland, USA)


Centering marginalized voices has long been a tool for critiquing mainstream institutions and individual practices by feminist theorists and critical race scholars. In this paper, I will present findings from Centering Women of Color in STEM: Identifying and Scaling Up What Helps Women of Color Thrive (CWCS). The project studies predominantly white physics departments in which women of color thrive. Our ultimate goal is to provide insights into how physics spaces that were not created for women of color can become more welcoming of them, and thereby increase the success of all students. In doing this work, our team considers broader notions of race and gender intersectionality via explicit engagement with ideas of family and identity beyond those traditionally considered. We use the Athena SWAN and Race Charter criteria to address inclusion in higher education through a robust engagement with the broad spectrum of gender and race expression. We apply Patricia Hill Collins’ Domains of Power to situate our findings, and point to opportunities for intervention (Collins, 2009; Johnson, 2018). Findings from CWCS challenge us to co-create learning environments where excellence and inclusion work together, evidence of what inclusive environments look like. I invite audience members to consider how they can contribute to increased inclusion in their home institutions based on what they learn here. REFERENCES Patricia Hill Collins. 2009. Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media, and Democratic Possibilities: Beacon Press. Angela C Johnson. 2018. Intersectional physics identity framework. Physics Education Research Conference, Washington, DC.

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Primary author

Dr Apriel K Hodari (Eureka Scientific, Inc. Oakland, USA)

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