1-5 October 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<em><u><strong><font color="purple"><font size=5>International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) 2018</font></font></strong></u></em>

Let us improve students understanding of Physics and beyond

2 Oct 2018, 15:40


Oral Presentation Track A - Physics at University Parallel Session 1


Dr Mmantsae Diale (University of Pretoria)


The type of students we receive at University are digital, have a device at all times in their hands, do not even know how to fast social media. Many of them cannot work without a calculator, though their matric results are excellent. We have been engaged in first year teaching for over a decade, with the number of students majoring in physics increasing. The increase in numbers has also resulted in increasing the quality of students in the main stream. The lecturers’ inputs have shown to directly affect the results of students. Using different resources available due to technology, with traditional teaching methods led to a conclusion that more students are capable of majoring in physics. The other group of students who continued in medicine and engineering have excelled in their way of learning, proving that the teaching methods we have used have benefited students beyond physics. Students’ feedback were accompanied by personal letters from students and parents appreciating the inputs academics have used to improve students learning. In this workshop we will discuss the type of students are accept for first year at University, how we are using available teaching resources to improve learning and how have changed the laboratory experiences to improve hands on activities for students success.

Apply to be<br> considered for a student <br> &nbsp; award (Yes / No)?


Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, N/A)?


Primary author

Dr Mmantsae Diale (University of Pretoria)


Dr Dolly Langa (University of pretoria)

Presentation Materials

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