Stefan von Buddenbrock
(University of the Witwatersrand)
The Madala hypothesis is the prediction of a new heavy scalar, the Madala boson, that has had previous success in explaining several anomalies in LHC Run 1 and 2 data. In the literature, the Madala boson has so far primarily been discussed in the context of its dominant production mode, gluon fusion. However, it can be shown that a study of its production in association with top quarks can provide us with crucial information about the model, as well as explain the enhancement of top associates Higgs production that has been observed in the data -- most notably in leptonic channels. For this study, Monte Carlo events have been produced and passed through a detector simulation. These events are then run through every available analysis that studies top associated Higgs production by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. With the Madala hypothesis prediction, an effective signal strength is calculated and compared with the observed values.
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Primary author
Stefan von Buddenbrock
(University of the Witwatersrand)