3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Computational studies of Na/MgMn<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Spinels.

4 Jul 2017, 15:20
A403A (Engineering Building 51)


Engineering Building 51

Oral Presentation Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials 1


Dr Ndanduleni Lethole (University of Limpopo)


Spinel lithium manganese (II) oxide (IV) (LiMn2O4) has been intensively studied as a positive electrode for rechargeable Li-ion batteries due to its abundance in the earth crust, low toxicity, and high theoretical capacity of 148 mAh/g. However this material has been reported to suffer from severe capacity fading, particularly at high temperatures during the charge/discharge process. This drawback makes the material incompetent for commercial application, though many attempts were made to improve its capacity sustainability. Recently, preliminary studies have shown that NaMn2O4 and MgMn2O4 have great potential for use in Na-ion and Mg-ion batteries. However, little has been reported on the physical and chemical properties of these compounds. In this work, we perform first principles calculations to investigate the structural, thermodynamic, electronic and mechanical properties of NaMn2O4 and MgMn2O4, particularly the lattice constants, heats of formations, band structure, density of states, elastic constants and phonon dispersion curves. Furthermore, the operating voltages are also calculated. Calculations have been performed within DFT+U method as implemented in the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package code. The calculated lattice constants are in good agreement with the experimental data to within 3 %. The electronic DOS and band structure calculations suggest that NaMn2O4 and MgMn2O4 are conductors due to the absence of energy band gap around the fermi level.

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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Ngoepe PE,
University of limpopo

Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, N/A)?


Primary author

Dr Ndanduleni Lethole (University of Limpopo)


Prof. Phuti Ngoepe (University of Limpopo)

Presentation Materials

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