3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Computational modelling for understanding the fundamentals of methane oxidation over palladium oxide

4 Jul 2017, 17:10
1h 50m
3rd and 4th floor passages (Engineering Building 51)

3rd and 4th floor passages

Engineering Building 51

Board: 35
Poster Presentation Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Poster Session 1


Dr Moyahabo Hellen Chuma (Johnson Matthey)


One of the main challenges in natural gas engine after treatment is the combustion of methane at lower temperatures. The presence of water and sulphur in the engine exhaust lowers the catalyst performances. With various computational simulations, we are developing models that will assist in understanding the fundamentals of these reactions and making predictions for further improvements of the catalysts. The grid-based projector-augmented wave (GPAW) method has been used to determine the reaction path of methane oxidation over PdO surfaces. This lead to an understanding of the complete catalytic combustion of methane at a range of temperatures as well as the resultant production of CO2 and H2O. A series of dopants has been introduced to the surface model to determine the effect of doping on PdO. Reaction profiles are mapped out and preliminary results will be presented.

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Primary author

Dr Moyahabo Hellen Chuma (Johnson Matthey)

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