3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Security proof of a generic three party Quantum Key Distribution protocol

4 Jul 2017, 17:10
1h 50m
3rd and 4th floor passages (Engineering Building 51)

3rd and 4th floor passages

Engineering Building 51

Board: 75
Poster Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Poster Session 1


Mr Comfort Sekga (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Botswana International University fo Science and Technology, Private Bag 16 Palapye, Botswana) Dr Mhlambululi Mafu (Botswana International University of Science and Technology)


Quantum cryptography or more specifically Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the emerging technology that has shown to be provably secure for transmitting messages between the communicating parties. The security of a QKD protocol is mainly based on the laws of quantum mechanics. In this work, we present a simple security proof for a three party generic QKD protocol. The protocol is implemented using the GHZ states and each party has to perform a single particle measurement either on the computational basis or the Hadamard basis. The security analysis of our protocol is based on the collective attacks and we used one way information reconciliation and privacy amplification to extract the key. Eve's information is conditioned on the random variable V, which provide all the projective measurements on the density operator ρ_ABC. The value obtained for the error bound is ϵ≈0.031.

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Primary author

Mr Comfort Sekga (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Botswana International University fo Science and Technology, Private Bag 16 Palapye, Botswana)


Dr Mhlambululi Mafu (Botswana International University of Science and Technology)

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