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Dr. S.S. Ntshangase
University of Zululand
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The detailed spectroscopy of 162Yb was studied at iThemba LABS using the 150Sm(16O, 4n)162Yb fusion-evaporation reaction. The 83 MeV 16O beam was provided by the Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC) and used to bombard 3 mg/cm2 target. The gamma rays emitted from the reaction were detected using the AFRODITE gamma-ray spectrometer equipped with eight escape-suppressed clover detectors. The exact structure of the Kπ=2+ γ bands has not been properly established and all recent theoretical descriptions do not involve vibrations of the nuclear shape. The last standard spectroscopy of 162Yb was published in 1987[1]. The decay scheme resulted from this work shows that, the ground state band is known up to (28)ħ. However a very little is know about the Kπ=2+ γ band where only the bandhead 2+ level at 798 keV and 3+ at 992 keV have been well established. The core nucleus 162Yb has a very low-lying Kπ=2+ γ band. Our aim is to search for the structures where an odd neutron or proton couple to this collective excitation. We also intend to look for extensions to the γ band and second vacuum O2+ band in 162Yb. We further intend to search for high-K structures in 162Yb. The data collected from this experiment is being analysed and the results will be discussed in the South African Institute of Physics conference.
[1] J.N. Mo et al., Nucl. Phys. A624, 257 (1987)