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The reorientation effect (RE) plays a major role in Coulomb excitation theory as it facilitates information about the shape and degrees of quadrupole collectivity of even-even nuclei via measuring the diagonal matrix element <21+||E2||21+> of the first 2+ state. This in turn proportional to the spectroscopic quadrupole moment [QS(21+)] which provides direct information about the shape with its sign precisely. A safe Coulomb excitation reorientation effect measurement was performed at TRIUMF accelerator facility to determine the sign and magnitude of QS(21+) in 12C. The first 2+ state at 4439 keV in 12C was Coulomb excited through inelastic scattering of 12C beam at ~ 4.97 MeV/u energy impinging on a 1 mg/cm2 thick 194Pt target. The de-excited γ-rays were detected with highly-efficient and segmented TIGRESS clover detector array and the scattered particles were detected in coincidence with γ-rays using annular double sided silicon CD type detector (S2) which contains 24 rings and 32 sectors. The data have been analysed employing particle-γ coincidence, energy sharing and timing conditions. The Doppler corrected sum γ-ray spectrum shows the evidence for 4439 keV in 12C. The experimental results and the details about determination of QS(21+) will be presented during conference.
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