Guillermo Hamity
(Honours Physics Student)
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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of approximately 300 invfb by the end of it's third run in 2023. At this point, the LHC will undergo a major shut-down to upgrade the delivered instantaneous luminosity by a factor of five. During this upgrade period the ATLAS detector will prepare for the unprecedented luminosity by upgrading it's detector systems. In order to deal with the high pile-up, the Inner Detector (ID) will be replaced by an ID composed entirely of pixels and silicon strip detectors. In this talk the major upgrade plans will be outlined, with an emphasis on the proposed design of the ID silicon modules.
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Trevor Vickey
University of Sheffield (UK)
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Primary author
Guillermo Hamity
(Honours Physics Student)