4-8 July 2016
Kramer Law building
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=10&confId=86">The Proceedings of SAIP2016</a> published on 24 December 2017

Thermal Model Description of Collisions of Small Systems

6 Jul 2016, 10:00
4A (Kramer Law building)


Kramer Law building

UCT Middle Campus Cape Town
Oral Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics (2)


Prof. Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)

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Recently, two experimental observations have attracted high interest: 1. The maxima in the excitation function of the K+/pi+ and Lambda/pi+ ratios around sqrt(sNN) = 8 GeV, while no maximum is seen in the K-/pi- ratio. 2. A continuous evolution of the ratios (multi-)strange-over-pi as a function of the multiplicity in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies.

Prediction within the thermal-statistical model of particle ratios from the lowest up to LHC energies and from pp up to central heavy-ion collisions will be given. It will be shown why maxima occur, how they evolve when studying smaller systems (E.g. the maximum of the K+/pi+ ratio will hardly be visible in pp, while the maximum in the Lambda/pi ratio is expected to remain also in pp).

Using the strangeness canonical ensemble, the key parameter is the strangeness correlation volume. It turns out that this quantity also plays a dominating role in describing the variation of the particle ratios from pp to Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies.

Primary author

Prof. Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)


Dr Boris Hippolyte (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Universit\'e de Strasbourg, CNRS-IN2P3, Strasbourg, France) Dr Helmut Oeschler (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Prof. Krzysztof Redlich (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, Pl-45204 Wroclaw, Poland; ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany; Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA}) Dr Natasha Sharma (Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India)

Presentation Materials