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By means of density functional theory (DFT), we present ab-initio calculation of T(T: Cr, Mo, W, Mn and Fe) vacancy-interstitial complexes ( TGe-VnGeIT, for n = 1,2 and 3) in Ge. The projector augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) was used for all the calculations. The structural properties and formation
energies of TGe-VnGeIT for the neutral charge state were obtained. Our results show that
under favourable energetic condition, vacancy-interstitial complex TGe-VnGeIT will form with low formation energy. The formation energy show that the TGe-VnGeIT is more energetically favourable for n = 1 and 2 than n = 3. The stability of the vacancy-interstitial complexes were
obtained from their binding energies. For all T, the binding energies of the TGe-VGeIT are positive and stable. Except for the W and Mo, for the TGe-V2GeIT and TGe-V3GeIT the binding energies for T are negative and the defect complexes are likely to dissociate into smaller fragments.
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Walter E. Meyer
Univeristy of Pretoria
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