Marín-Lámbarri Daniel José
(University of the Western Cape/ iThemba LABS)
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Prof. Smarajit Triambak
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The structure of A=9 nuclei are relevant in nuclear astrophysics. The measurement of the low-lying excited states in Boron-9 nucleus through the 9Be(3He,t)9B reaction, with the K600 spectrometer in conjunction with a segmented silicon detector array will be performed at iThemba LABS facility. Of particular interest is the conclusive observation and characterisation of the first 1/2+ state in Boron-9. By accurately measuring the excitation energy of this state, we aim to obtain the Coulomb Energy Difference (CED) between isobaric analog 1/2+ states in the Boron-9 and Beryllium-9 mirror pair to address discrepancies that currently exist between theoretical models in describing these nuclei.
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Primary author
Marín-Lámbarri Daniel José
(University of the Western Cape/ iThemba LABS)