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Bruce Mellado, Bruce.Mellado@wits.ac.za
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With Run 2 of the LHC currently underway at a record-breaking energy of 13 TeV centre of mass energy, new physics searches have come to the fore. In particular, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations are beginning to focus more on extending the Higgs sector of the Standard Model. Previous work has shown that Run 1 data from both ATLAS and CMS hint at the existence of a new heavy scalar with a mass around 270 GeV. This work will extend this idea by introducing a full Two-Higgs Doublet Model and outlining the potential Run 2 searches which could constrain the parameters of such a model, should it exist in nature. This will be presented in the context of searches for Higgs production in association with missing energy, leptons and large jet multiplicities. Some preliminary studies related to the rates and kinematic distributions of processes of interest are presented and their implications are discussed.
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