4-8 July 2016
Kramer Law building
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=10&confId=86">The Proceedings of SAIP2016</a> published on 24 December 2017

Phenomenology of additional scalar bosons at the LHC

8 Jul 2016, 15:00
2A (Kramer Law building)


Kramer Law building

UCT Middle Campus Cape Town
Oral Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Theoretical and Computational Physics (1)


Dr Mukesh Kumar (University of the Witwatersrand)

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Following arXiv: 1506.00612, an effective field theory approach has been introduced to understand the distortion of the Higgs $p_T$ and other excesses observed in Run I LHC data by considering two hypothetical particles $H$ and $\chi$, with the masses $2 m_h < m_H < 2 m_t$ and $m_\chi < m_h/2$ where $m_h$ is mass of the SM Higgs, $h$ and $\chi$ is considered as a dark matter candidate. A fit with the observed $p_T$ spectrum of the Higgs boson at the LHC and a statistical combination of the different relevant processes results $m_H = 272^{+12}_{9}$~GeV with $m_\chi \approx 60$~GeV. In this study we introduce a real scalar $S$ with mass $m_h \lesssim m_S \lesssim m_H - m_h$ in a effective theory to explain large branching ratios of $H \to h\chi\chi$. By introducing an intermediate $S$ further simplifies the coupling structure with comparatively less branching fraction.
Further we introduce a two Higgs doublet model (THDM) where we assume the particle spectrum of the THDM, $h$ as the SM Higgs, $H$ as heavy scalar as in the effective theory, $A$ as a $CP$-odd scalar with $m_A > 2 m_t$ and charged Higgs $H^\pm$ with $m_H^\pm < m_A$. A proper theory with THDM in addition with $S$ and $\chi$ as a real scalar assuming $\chi$ as a dark matter candidate is formulated to describe associated phenomenology with these particles. An explanation in multi-lepton final states with same-sign leptons expected to be observed in different processes $p p > H > h S$, $h, S \to W^+ W^-$; $p p > H^- t + h.c$ with possible decay of $H^\pm$ and $t$-quark in leptonic final states. A full analyses associated with these scalars for few benchmark scenarios have been presented in this work.

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Primary author

Dr Mukesh Kumar (University of the Witwatersrand)


Prof. Alan Cornell (NITheP) Prof. Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya (HRI) Prof. Bruce Mellado (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Deepak Kar (University of Witwatersrand) Mr Nabarun Chakrabarty (HRI) Mr Robert Reed (University of Witwatersrand) Mr Stefan von Buddenbrock (University of the Witwatersrand) Dr Tanumoy Mandal (Uppsala University) Dr XIFENG RUAN (WITS)

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