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With the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012 a new window of opportunity has opened to discover physics beyond the Standard Model. In order to study the distortion of the Higgs transverse momentum spectrum observed with Run I data a heavy boson, H, wth a mass around 300 GeV that decays into the Higgs boson, h, and something else, including missing energy, has been hypothesised. If embedded into a second complex doublet, the decay channel A->ZH opens up, where A is the cp odd boson, leading to the Z+h+missing energy final state. The ‘zhmet’ analysis was created to work within the CxAOD Framework, as does the pre-existing ‘VHbb’ analysis. Using the ‘zhmet’ framework, the 13TeV ATLAS data and MC samples are used for the analysis. The decay Z->ll resulting in either same or different flavour leptons is presented.
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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution
Prof. Bruce Mellado Garcia, Bruce.Mellado.Garcia@cern.ch, University of the Witwatersrand