4-8 July 2016
Kramer Law building
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=10&confId=86">The Proceedings of SAIP2016</a> published on 24 December 2017

Search for chirality in 192Tl

8 Jul 2016, 11:10
LT3 (Kramer Law building)


Kramer Law building

UCT Middle Campus Cape Town
Oral Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics (1)


Dr Joram Ndayishimye (iThemba LABS)

Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Dr E. Lawrie, elena@tlabs.ac.za, iThemba LABS

Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)<br><a href="http://events.saip.org.za/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=0&confId=34" target="_blank">Formatting &<br>Special chars</a>

It was revealed at iThemba LABS that chiral symmetry can develop in the thallium isotopes with mass A ~ 190. In order to search for chiral candidates in these isotopes, γ-spectroscopy measurements on 192Tl were performed at iThemba LABS, using a heavy-ion reaction of 160Gd(37Cl, 4n) at
167 MeV beam energy and a thin target of 1.0 mg/cm2. Previous level scheme of 192Tl was considerably extended. Spins and parities were assigned to most of the levels and relative intensities of γ-ray transitions were measured. Most important is that a weak band that is suggested as a possible chiral partner to the yrast band was discovered. Both bands are built on πh9/2×νi13/2 configuration. More details on these new results will be presented.

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Primary author

Dr Joram Ndayishimye (iThemba LABS)


Dr Lawrie Elena (iThemba LABS)

Presentation Materials

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