9th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry & Medicine
Download the Programme & Book of Abstracts Here
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the use of novel adaptive optical elements, concepts and systems as they apply to high power lasers, medical devices, imaging, industrial lasers and microscopy. The International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine (AOIM) provides scientists and engineers from both industry and academia with opportunities to explore recent developments, current practices and future trends in adaptive optics and related fields. A key feature of this single-session meeting is the relaxed atmosphere with all participants encouraged to present and discuss their work either as a talk or a poster.
Chairperson:Prof. Forbes, Andrew(South Africa)
International Organising Committee:
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the use of novel adaptive optical elements, concepts and systems as they apply to high power lasers, medical devices, imaging, industrial lasers and microscopy. The International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine (AOIM) provides scientists and engineers from both industry and academia with opportunities to explore recent developments, current practices and future trends in adaptive optics and related fields. A key feature of this single-session meeting is the relaxed atmosphere with all participants encouraged to present and discuss their work either as a talk or a poster.
Topics will include:
- Adaptive optical (AO) devices,
- Wavefront sensing and measurement,
- Aberration correction,
- AO in imaging systems,
- Digital holograpy in AOs,
- Spatial light modulators,
- Applications of AOs.
- Prof.David Williams (University of Rochester, USA)
- Prof.Stefan Piehler (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Prof. Martin Booth (University of Oxford, UK)
- Prof. Juan Bueno (University of Murcia, Spain)
- Prof. Gordon Love (University of Durham, UK)
- Dr Rocio Borrego Varillas (University of Jaume I, Spain)
- Dr Michael Duparre (University of Jena, Germany)
- Prof Jesus Lancis Saez (University of Jaume I, Spain)
Chairperson:Prof. Forbes, Andrew(South Africa)
International Organising Committee:
- Alexis Kudryashov (Russia)
- Pablo Artal (Spain)
- Sergio Restaino (USA)
- John Gonglewski (UK)
- Jean Claude Kieffer (Canada)
- Ulrich Wittrock (Germany)
- Brian Masara
- Linette White
- 1 Oct 2012 1st call
- 30 Jan 2013 Abstracts due
- 30 April 2013 Registration for authors
- Extended to 9 August 2013 registration deadline
- 30 July 2013 Payment of registration fees
- Delegate Registration Fees = R3500 (€350)
- Student Registration Fees = R3000 (€300)