28 January 2019 to 2 February 2019
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.
Africa/Accra timezone
PCCr2 and AfLS2

MetalJet Source for High-Throughput Screening in the Home Laboratory

28 Jan 2019, 15:00
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

University Of Ghana, Legon, Accra-Ghana
Oral Presentations AfLS2 track AfLS Workshop


Emile Espes (N/A)


High-end x-ray diffraction techniques such as small molecule crystallography, macromolecular crystallography and non-ambient crystallography rely heavily on the x-ray source brightness for resolution and exposure time. As boundaries of technology are pushed forward samples are becoming smaller, weaker diffracting and less stable which put additional requirements on ever brighter sources. With bright enough compact sources, time resolved studies can be achieved even in the home laboratory. Traditional solid or rotating anode x-ray tubes are typically limited in brightness by when the e-beam power density melts the anode. The liquid-metal-jet technology has overcome this limitation by using an anode that is already in the molten state thus e-beam power loading above several megawatts per mm are now feasible. Over a decade ago the first prototypes of MetalJet x-ray sources were demonstrated. These immediately demonstrated unprecedented brightness in the range of one order of magnitude above current state-of-the art sources [1-3]. Over the last years, the liquid-metal-jet technology has developed from prototypes into fully operational and stable X-ray tubes running in more than 75 labs over the world. X-ray crystallography has been identified as a key application for the x-ray tube technology, since this application benefits greatly from small spot-sizes, high-brightness in combination with a need for stable output. To achieve a single-crystal-diffraction platform addressing the needs of the most demanding crystallographers, multiple users and system manufacturers has since installed the MetalJet x- ray source into their SCD set-ups with successful results [4]. This contribution reviews the evolvement of the MetalJet technology and its applicability for pushing boundaries of SCD supported by recent user data. We also present possibilities to achieve cost effective solutions, attainable for a wider application range. Finally, we discuss details of the technology with a focus on its abilities to free up synchrotron time by efficient home laboratory screening.

Primary author

Emile Espes (N/A)

Presentation Materials