28 January 2019 to 2 February 2019
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.
Africa/Accra timezone
PCCr2 and AfLS2

The Lyncean Compact Light Source, A Stepping Stone of the Path Towards an African Light Source?

28 Jan 2019, 16:30
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

University Of Ghana, Legon, Accra-Ghana
Oral Presentations AfLS2 track AfLS Workshop


Dr Jackie Kasahara (Lyncean Technologies, Inc.)


We will discuss the contribution of synchrotron radiation facilities to a region's research infrastructure and the challenges in building such a facility, in particular for regions with limited expertise and budget. We will describe how the Lyncean Compact Light Source (CLS) generates synchrotron-like X-ray beams with a much smaller footprint, how the performance compares to both conventional laboratory and synchrotron X-ray sources, and what applications are enabled by the CLS's unique beam properties. Finally, we will explore how the CLS can be a stepping stone towards building a large synchrotron facility by providing valuable expertise in the operation and maintenance of a storage ring, the opportunity to build a local, multi-disciplinary user community, as well as expertise in beamline development and X-ray applications.

Primary author

Dr Jackie Kasahara (Lyncean Technologies, Inc.)


Dr Michael Feser (Lyncean Technologies, Inc.) Dr Rod Loewen (Lyncean Technologies, Inc.) Dr Ronald Ruth (Lyncean Technologies, Inc)

Presentation Materials