9-13 July 2012
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Comparison of the effects of annealing on Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au Schottky photodiodes

12 Jul 2012, 17:30
IT Building

IT Building

Poster Presentation Track A - Division for Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Poster Session


Mr Phuti Ngoepe (University of Pretoria)

Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD)?


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Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

In this study a comparison of the electrical and optical properties of Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au Schottky photodiodes based on Al0.35Ga0.65N were investigated. The photodiodes were characterised as deposited and after annealing at 500 °C under an Ar ambient. The electrical and optical properties of these samples improved with annealing temperatures. The Schottky barrier heights for the Ni/Au Schottky diodes were measured as 0.913 and 1.264 eV for as deposited and 500 °C annealed diodes respectively.
The barrier heights of the Ni/Ir/Au Schottky photodiodes were found to be 2.18 eV for as deposited and 1.90 eV after 500 °C annealing. The transmission of UV radiation through the Ni/Au layer was higher than through the Ni/Ir/Au which contributed to the responsivity of the Ni/Au photodiode being higher. In general the Ni/Au photodiode produced better electrical and optical characteristics in comparison to the Ni/Ir/Au photodiode when subjected to similar annealing conditions.

Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Dr. Walter Meyer; wmeyer@up.ac.za
University of Pretoria

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Primary author

Mr Phuti Ngoepe (University of Pretoria)


Prof. Danie Auret (Professor) Mr Louwrens van Schalkwyk (Student) Dr Mmantsae Diale (Senior lecturer) Dr Walter Meyer (Senior lecturer)

Presentation Materials

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