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Lutz,Lutz.Ackermann@ul.ac.za,University of Limpopo
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
In Lithium-ion battery graphite is a widely used anode material, but it has some disadvantages as compare to anatase TiO2 nanotube anode such as electrical disconnection, structural deformation, and initial loss of capacity. We use a Density-Functional-based Tight Binding (DFTB+) parameterization approach to calculate the Slater-Koster (SK) potentials. The accuracy of Density Functional Theory (DFT) and efficiency of Tight-Binding (TB) will be treated within parameterization procedure to generate a set of DFTB+ parameters that gives the best possible match of DFT energies for anataseTiO2 with Li structure. Full geometry optimization was performed using LDA and GGA functional’s potentials on both bulk and nanotubeTiO2 structures. Our computational results predict that the lattice parameters of anatase are in good agreement with the available and theoretical data.