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Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
Carbon doped titanium dioxide quantum dots have been synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique using titanium tetra ethoxide as the precursor solution. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy on the quantum dots shows difference in lattice spacing in the quantum dot structures prepared to be – 2.02 Å for the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis quantum dots. The most probable particle size is 3.11 nm and the carbon doping only changes the lattice spacings of the TiO2 lattice; the most predominant plane is the (101) in TiO2 reciprocal lattice as determined from the fast Fourier transform of most of the particle images. Raman spectroscopy confirms the TiO2 polymorph to be anatase with the intense phonon frequency at 153 cm-1 blue-shifted from 143 cm-1 due to both carbon doping and particle size. A modified phonon confinement model for quantum dots has been used to extract phonon dispersion and other parameters for anatase.
Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution
Prof. EL Meyer emeyer@ufh.ac.za, University of Fort Hare
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