Level for award<br> (Hons, MSc, <br> PhD)?
Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution
Dr CB Franklyn chris.franklyn@necsa.co.za; Necsa
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Would you like to <br> submit a short paper <br> for the Conference <br> Proceedings (Yes / No)?
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
The accelerator facility at Necsa is in the process of investigating the usage of a solid 11B target for the RFQ accelerator, this target producing a range of fast neutrons from 1 MeV - 14 MeV as well as two distinct gamma rays (4.43 MeV and 15.11 MeV) for Dual Discrete Gamma Radiography. The target is planned to be mounted onto a graphite layer, therefore there is a need to review the gamma spectrum from 12 C , this being done at the Van der Graaff (terminal potential of 4MV) with some results discussed here. The 11B target together with a developing pulsed beam system will enable the capability of conducting both fast neutron resonance radiography and time of flight studies, the philosophy of this being aligned with PTB in Germany.