9-13 July 2012
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Diffusion studies of Xenon and Krypton implanted in CVD-SiC

12 Jul 2012, 17:30
IT Building

IT Building

Poster Presentation Track A - Division for Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Poster Session


Dr Thulani Hlatshwayo (University of Pretoria)

Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

The diffusion behaviour of implanted xenon and Krypton in CVD-SiC has been investigated using Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Xenon (Xe+) and Krypton ions with an energy of 360 KeV were implanted in SiC to a fluence of 2 × 1016 cm-2 at room temperature (23°C), 350°C and 600°C. Sequential annealing was performed from 1000°C to 1500°C in 100°C. By comparing the widths of the as implanted profiles to the after annealing profiles the diffusion coefficients was determined while the changes in samples surfaces were monitored by SEM.

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Primary author

Dr Thulani Hlatshwayo (University of Pretoria)

Presentation Materials

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