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Prof. Andrew Forbes, aforbes1@csir.co.za, CSIR
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
High-dimensional entanglement of quantum systems offers greater possibilities to a number of applications, such as loophole-free tests of nonlocality and new quantum information schemes. We demonstrate the tomographic reconstruction of the high-dimensional quantum states of photon pairs entangled in the orbital angular momentum basis, by providing a full characterisation, in the form of a density matrix, of the entangled states. The density matrices were determined for the entangled two-qudit state, where the dimensions ranged from 2 to 8, limited only by the number of data points and the length of time required. We show that all recorded states have high fidelities and linear entropies required for a violation of the appropriate high-dimensional Bell inequality. This demonstrates a characterisation of the nature of the entanglement, allowing for possibly applications in quantum information science.
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