Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
We have established a biennial school of physics in Africa, on fundamental subatomic physics and its applications. The aim of the school is to build capacity to harvest, interpret, and exploit the results of current and future physics experiments with particle accelerators, and to increase proficiency in related applications. The school is based on a close interplay between theoretical, experimental, and applied physics. The first school took place in Stellenbosch, South Africa on 1-21 August 2010. We propose the second edition of the biennial school, ASP2012, at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana, July 15 – August 8, 2012.
The school will cover a wide range of topics: particle physics, particle detectors and identification, astro-particle physics and cosmology, computing, accelerator technologies and some of the applications, such as medical physics. The program of the school will be at the level of four-year university students in physics, engineering and applications. The participating students will be selected from all over Africa. A selection of lecture topics in theory, experimental and applied physics has been proposed for the school. Scientists from Africa, Europe and the USA will be invited to prepare and deliver lectures according to the proposed topics taking into account the diverse levels of the students. The duration of the school allows for networking --- interactions among students and between students and lecturers. The school is sponsored by institutes from Africa, Europe and the USA. ASP2012 is managed by a local organizing committee from the Ghanaian institutes, an international advisory committee made of members of the sponsoring institutes and an international organizing committee that includes representatives from ICTP, BNL, ESS, King’s College, CERN and CNRS-IN2P3.
More information may be found at: https://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1400680
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