Joram Ndayishimye
(Stellenbosch University)
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Prof. S. M. Wyngaardt
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Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
Although many pairs of bands have been suggested as possible chiral candidates, there is no case yet that fulfills all the fingerprints for chirality. Thus, it is important to experimentally measure properties of nuclei which may be suitable for chiral symmetry in order to convincingly prove the role of chirality in nuclear structure. An investigation of the high – spin states in 193Tl is in progress, since this nucleus could be a good chiral candidate. We intend and possibly extending its level scheme, measuring the spins and parities of the new states and also deducing lifetimes of the excited states using DSAM. This experiment used the 160Gd(37Cl,4n) reaction. The results obtained so far will be presented.
Primary author
Joram Ndayishimye
(Stellenbosch University)