Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
PULSE stands for Public Understanding of Laser Science and Engineering. This is a programme that is run at the CSIR-National laser centre (NLC). The objectives of the programme are: (1) to create awareness to the students, learners, teachers and the general public about the state of photonics in South Africa and the world. (2) To teach learners in an informal way about light and lasers. (3) To teach learners to follow their dream of innovation, and the excitement of science. This teaching is usually done at national science events such as Scifest Africa, Sasol technoX and Science-tube to name a few. But we also visit schools and host school at the NLC. The way the teaching is done is very illustrative, visual and very interactive. We show videos, perform miniature experiments for the audience and invoke question-and answer technique to keep the subject more interactive and exciting. This presentation provides a report-back of what we have witnessed over the years regarding the response from the different audiences. With PULSE we try by fascination to attract learners and students to the science, engineering and technological careers. We illustrate the importance of science and mathematics and their potential to open doors towards the most interesting and exciting careers.
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