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Material properties of micro/nanometre scale solid films such as protective coatings, optical absorbers, solar cells, and nuclear refractory materials, are among other factors dependent on the composition and depth distribution of different elements present in a film. Thin hard films of transitional metal oxides, borides, carbides and nitrides are increasingly being used for protective coatings, as photon concentrators and in extreme applications that entail elevated temperatures and harsh radiation environments. Ion beam analysis techniques are widely regarded as the techniques of choice when it comes to depth profiling of such films because they can provide quantitative information about the concentration distribution of different atomic species in a layer. Heavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection (Heavy Ion-ERD) analysis is one of a few analytical techniques particularly suited for the analysis of low Z elements in thin film layers with depth resolution of a few nanometers. We report here on the analysis of films of transition metal carbides, nitrides and borides produced by RF magnetron sputtering deposition, with a view to optimise the deposition parameters.