Michael Ogunbunmi
(University of Johannesburg)
We have synthesized PrPt4Ag and PrPt4Au compounds for the first time and report their crystal structure, as well as magnetic and physical properties in the temperature range between 2 K and 300 K. Both compounds are derived from the substitution of Pt with Ag and Au respectively in the parent compound PrPt5 which crystallizes in the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure [1, 2]. Here, we observed the preservation of the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure under such substitutions which is in contrast to the observations in PrCu4Ag and PrCu4Au [3, 4] adopting the cubic MgCu4Sn-type structure upon substitution on parent hexagonal PrCu5. The temperature dependence of specific heat, Cp(T) and electrical resistivity, &rho(T) of PrPt4Ag show an anomaly at 7.6 K but which is absent in the magnetic susceptibility, &chi(T) and thus suggesting a possible multipolar ordering of the Pr3+ magnetic moment. PrPt4Au on the other hand does not show any anomaly but an upturn in Cp(T)/T below about 10 K and reaching a value of 1.23 J/(K2mol) at 2 K. In addition, &rho(T) ~ T and &chi(T) ~ T-1/3 for nearly a decade in temperature. These observations in PrPt4Au are the hallmark of a non-Fermi liquid (nFL) behavior and is characteristic of a system with a low lying order parameter. The analysis of the low temperature Cp(T) for PrPt4Ag and PrPt4Au give values of the Sommerfeld coefficient, &gamma = 728.5 mJ/(K2mol) and 509.1 mJ/(K2mol) respectively indicating a significant enhancement of the quasiparticle mass in the two compounds.
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Prof. AM Strydom, University of Johannesburg, amstrydom@uj.ac.za
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Primary authors
Andre Strydom
(University of Johannesburg)
Michael Ogunbunmi
(University of Johannesburg)