3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Coupling of single neutron configuration to collective core excitations in <sup>162</sup>Yb using <sup>163</sup>Yb

5 Jul 2017, 17:10
1h 50m
3rd and 4th floor passages (Engineering Building 51)

3rd and 4th floor passages

Engineering Building 51

Board: 47
Poster Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Poster Session 2


Mr Makuhane Sithole (University of the Western Cape)


In odd-nuclei the single nucleon can couple to collective excitations of its even-even core nucleus. These collective excitations lie within the pairing gap and are therefore the lowest energy excitations of the core. Our physics motivation is to search for structures where an odd neutron couples to collective excitations of the 162Yb core. We also intend to search for high-K structures in this nucleus. The experiment 152Sm(16O,5n)163Yb at Elab = 93 MeV was performed to study 163Yb at iThemba LABS. The gamma-decays from the reaction products have been detected using the AFRODITE gamma-ray spectrometer equipped with 8 escape-suppressed clover detectors. After a comprehensive analysis, the level scheme of 163Yb has been extended and new bands have been established in this current work, in particular the band based on the ground state has been built up to spin 43/2- . A High-K band has been established in the current work for the first time in this nucleus. An additional 16 new states in 163Yb were observed and all decay to the Yrast band. DCO and polarization analysis were performed to determine the spin and parity of new levels. The Cranked Shell Model was used for comparison of experimental data in this work.

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Prof. J.F. Sharpey-Schafer
University of the Western Cape

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Primary author

Mr Makuhane Sithole (University of the Western Cape)


Prof. John SHARPEY-SCHAFER (University of the Western Cape) Mr Linda MDLETSHE (University of Zululand) Dr Robert BARK (iThemba LABS) Ms SANDILE JONGILE (University of Zululand) Dr Sifiso NTSHANGASE (University of Cape Town / iThemba LABS) Dr Siyabonga Majola (iThemba Labs) Dr Suzan BVUMBI (University of Johannesburg) Dr Tshepo Dinoko (iThemba LABS)

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