Adam Shnier
(University of Witwatersrand)
South Africa and the rest of the world have the challenge of a rapidly growing demand for energy. This leads us to seek out a low cost, high efficiency technology for energy generation which is easily scalable, such as hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (HOIP) as well as other thin film energy materials. [1,2,3,4] HOIPs are held back by their limited stability, to which incremental progress has been made in literature. [3,4,5,6,7] As a preliminary study we investigated some HOIP devices and the thin films they are composed of, using X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), among other techniques for correlation between transport and structural properties. For a layered device XRR provides an interference pattern that is modeled to determine layer thickness, roughness and density. EIS can provide information about the impedance of the layers and the interfaces within a device; this is also determined by developing an appropriate model. This information can then be correlated to physical characteristics and/or processes. Selected results from our studies to date will be posted.
[1] Christians J A, Miranda Herrera P A, Kamat P V 2015 Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 1530–1538
[2] Krebs F C, Tromholt T, Jorgensen M 2010 Nanoscale 2 873-886
[3] Song Z, Watthage S C, Phillips A B, Heben M J 2016 Journal of Photonics for Energy 6(2) 022001-022001
[4] Tan H, Jain A, Voznyy O, Lan X, de Arquer FP, Fan JZ, Quintero-Bermudez R, Yuan M, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Fan F. 2017 Science 17 355(6326) 722-726.
[5] Yang J, Siempelkamp B D, Liu D, Kelly T L 2015 ACS Nano 9.2 1955-1963
[6] Zheng F, Saldana-Greco D, Liu S, Rappe A M 2015 The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 4862–4872
[7] Raga S R, Jung M-C, Lee M V, Leyden M R, Kato Y, Qi Y 2015 Chemistry of Materials 27.5 1597-1603
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Prof. Dave Billing
University of Witwatersrand
Primary author
Adam Shnier
(University of Witwatersrand)
Caren Billing
(University of Witwatersrand)
Daniel Wamwangi
(wits university)
David Billing
(University of the Witwatersrand)