3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Numerical Modelling of experiments performed at the OPAL research reactor

4 Jul 2017, 14:40
A403B (Engineering Building 51)


Engineering Building 51

Oral Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Applied Physics


Ms Rotondwa Mudau (Necsa)


The IAEA is currently administering an international Coordinated Research Project (CRP), the main purpose of which is to develop a set of research reactor benchmarks for the verification and validation of computational codes. The focus of the CRP in particular is the modelling of multi-cycle depletion. Necsa has recently developed a new calculational framework for performing nuclear reactor core calculations, which integrates both the stochastic and deterministic modeling methods in a consistent manner. In this work, the system is applied to the OPAL benchmark problem. The OPAL reactor is a modern research reactor with challenging aspects in neutronic design. In particular, the use of burnable poisons and a heavy water reflector poses modeling challenges. Analysis conducted on this benchmark includes control rod calibration experiments as well as the simulation of seven actual operating cycles.

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Primary author

Ms Rotondwa Mudau (Necsa)


Ms Danniell Botes (Necsa) Mr Francois Van Heerden (Necsa)

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