3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

The role of the pre-exponential factor in the segregation profiles of Cu(111)-SnSb and Cu(100)-SnSb ternary alloys

5 Jul 2017, 17:10
1h 50m
3rd and 4th floor passages (Engineering Building 51)

3rd and 4th floor passages

Engineering Building 51

Board: 24
Poster Presentation Track A - Division for Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Poster Session 2


Prof. Joseph Asante (Tshwane University of Technology)


A Cu(111) and Cu(100) were thermally doped with the same concentrations of Sn (0.14 at%) and Sb (0.12 at%) in both crystals. Auger electron spectroscopy was used to measure the segregation profiles. The segregation parameters of Sn and Sb were extracted by comparing simulated profiles with the experimental data. The segregation profiles in the two crystals were compared and it was found that the profiles of both Sn and Sb in Cu(111) shifts to lower temperatures than those in Cu(100). The quantified segregation parameters were used to explain the shift. It is argued that changes in the pre-exponential diffusion factors, rather than the activation energies, is the main contributing parameter.

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Primary author

Prof. Joseph Asante (Tshwane University of Technology)


Prof. Wiets Roos (University of the Free State)

Presentation Materials

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