3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Kinetics of essential oil extraction from castor seeds and macadamia nuts

6 Jul 2017, 12:10
A403B (Engineering Building 51)


Engineering Building 51

Oral Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Applied Physics


Mr Jonathan Kiaka (Mineral Processing and Technology Research Centre) Ms Sharon Makgoga (University of Johannesburg)


Macadamia nuts and castor seeds are some of the popular sources of essential oils. Oil extraction from these two natural products can be effected by both cold pressing and solvent extraction or a combination of the above. In this work both raw materials, extraction mechanisms and kinetics of essential oils production from their seeds using different techniques will be discussed. The kinetics of essential oil extraction from castor seeds and macadamia nuts would be affected by different factors (size of the seeds/nuts, hardness, integrity of the seeds/nuts, temperature, pressure and concentration of the extraction medium). Data collected during the oil extraction process are discussed in the light of existing kinetics models. Whether first order or not argumentation will be made.

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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Antoine F. Mulaba-Bafubiandi

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Primary author

Prof. Antoine-Floribert MULABA-BAFUBIANDI (School of Mining, Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, University of Johannesburg)


Mr Jonathan Kiaka (Mineral Processing and Technology Research Centre) Ms Sharon Makgoga (University of Johannesburg)

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