3-7 July 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Higgs decay via the dark vector boson to four leptons

5 Jul 2017, 11:50
A404 (Engineering Building 51)


Engineering Building 51

Oral Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics 2


Mr Phineas Ntsoele (University of Johannesburg)


The Standard Model (SM) is known to be incomplete (it cannot explain dark matter, dark energy, gravitational waves, matter-antimatter asymmetry, etc). The introduction of a Dark Sector via an additional U(1)D gauge symmetry added to the SM Lagrangian could be the long-awaited solution. In this model there is a dark vector boson Zd which can mix with the SM hypercharge gauge boson. This opens the Hypercharge Portal which can mediate the fluctuation of a Z to a Zd, or the decay of the Zd to SM leptons. If a dark Higgs singlet also exists, this then breaks the U(1)D, opening the Higgs portal and also allowing for Higgs mass mixing between the SM and dark sectors. Including dark fermionic fields in the Lagrangian allows for long-lived cold Dark Matter candidates. The various connections between the Dark and SM sectors allow descriptions of many key astro-physical phenomena. The Model is therefore a fascinating candidate for new physics beyond the SM. It becomes crucial to search for experimental signatures of this model. This contribution discusses a search for the dark force boson Zd using its production via the Higgs Portal and its decay back to SM leptons: H → hd→ ZdZd → 4l.

Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

SH Connell
University of Johannesburg

Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, N/A)?


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Primary author

Mr Phineas Ntsoele (University of Johannesburg)


ATLAS Collaboration (University of Johannesburg)

Presentation Materials