Robert Moerman
(University of Cape Town)
The Colour Glass Condensate captures QCD in its applications to high energy collider experiments in the spirit of an effective field theory using Wilson-lines and their correlators as the active degrees of freedom. The energy-dependence of these correlators is given by the JIMWLK equation which, when applied to a given correlator, generates an infinite tower of coupled equations referred to as a Balitsky hierarchy.
In this talk, I present a general method for truncating any Balitsky hierarchy in terms of energy-dependent colour structure functions analogous to the parametrization of hadronic cross-sections in terms of hadronic structure functions within the parton model. I also discuss the properties of these colour structure functions which are universal; they are constrained by group theoretic considerations independently of the Balitsky hierarchy being considered.
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Heribert Weigert heribert.weigert@uct.ac.za
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Primary author
Robert Moerman
(University of Cape Town)
Heribert Weigert
(University of Cape Town)