Debarati Roy
(Postdoc at Wits)
Increase energy in LHC drives us to perform exotic searches in the kinematic regions unreachable before. Being a hadron collider it is utterly important to explore the LHC physics with the detailed understanding of the performance of jets, direct manifestations of hadrons as produced in significant number from proton proton interactions. It is most likely that newly reached higher energy can result in such energetic (boosted) objects that decay further into products collimated in a single large radius jet (fatjet) with some definite structure (jet substructure). Jet substructure study describes the distinctive nature of this type of jet (e.g. as observed from boosted top quarks) from the jets coming out of partons (quarks and gluons) and is currently used as one of the primary tools in extensive number of exotic searches of heavy particles decay in LHC. This contribution will briefly talked about some of the recent searches in LHC where jet substructure study plays a significant role.
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Primary author
Debarati Roy
(Postdoc at Wits)