Amir Abouelrous
(University of the Witwatersrand)
After the discovery of the Higgs boson by the experiments at the LHC, the search
for new bosons has become of great interest. Based on a number of features of the data, the
existence of a heavy boson with a mass around 270 GeV has been postulated with a number
of interactions. One interesting extension of the Standard Model is the Left-Right Symmetric
Models (LRSM). Among the interesting features of the LRSM is their complex Higgs sector.
Unlike the SM with only one neutral Higgs Boson, LRSM offers a variety of Higgs Bosons
which include neutral, singly charged and doubly charged Higgs Bosons. Due to the Flavour
Changing Neutral Currents (FCNCs) constraints, the neutral Bosons of the bi-doublet sector
are constrained to be at least 10 TeV. One way to suppress the FCNCs effect is by imposing a
global symmetry on LRSM Lagrangian. We analyse the possibility of suppressing the FCNCs
effects in the LRSM and determine the possibility of having a heavy neutral Higgs Boson of
mass around 270 GeV in the Higgs sector of the LRSM.
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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution
Prof. Bruce Mellado Garcia (Bruce.Mellado.Garcia@cern.ch)/ University of Witwatersrand
Primary author
Amir Abouelrous
(University of the Witwatersrand)
Bruce Mellado
(University of the Witwatersrand)