15-20 November 2015
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The 1st African Light Source Conference and Workshop

Non-mechanical ultrafast tunable X-Ray optics (X-Ray acoustic elements and bending crystals): advantages and possibilities.

17 Nov 2015, 15:40
Auditorium (ESRF)



71 avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France
Oral Presentations Main Scientific Talks


Mr Ian Eliovich (IC RAS)


My report focuses on the proposal, development and successful testing of the controlled elements for X-ray optics based on the lithium niobate crystals structures. Using such elements allows to achieve a scanning range of hundreds of angular seconds, even at low supply voltage. In addition, experiments that demonstrate the absence of hysteresis in such elements were performed. In this case it gives us a reason to use it as controlled X-ray optics element with the ability to pricisly control the angular displacement. It is important to note that the bending elements based on lithium niobate crystals are characterized by very small values of rearrangement time, which will allow using X-Ray optics elements based on them for fast experimentation, such as using in synchrotron beam stations.

Primary author

Mr Ian Eliovich (IC RAS)


A.E. Blagov A.G. Kulikov A.V. Targonsky M.V. Kovalchuk N.V. Marchenkov P.A. Prosekov Y.V. Pisarevsky

Presentation Materials