The First African Light Source Conference and Workshop - 16 - 20 Nov 2015
News Flash
We are deeply shocked at the recent terrorist attacks in France. Our heartfelt condolences to all of those who have been affected.
We have official news that the African Light Source Conference and Workshop will still proceed.
Please allow for extra time in your arrangements as there are enhanced security procedures at airports and for the ESRF site entrance.
There has been a long history of a global conversation around the need for a Light Source in Africa.
Participants will be African scientists, colleagues, students who have conducted research at Light Sources and friends of Africa who support the vision for an African Light Source.
Programme Outline
The draft programme is available from the Programme link in the left hand menu. The programme details, as they are updated, are avalaible in the Timetable link on the left hand menu.
There is no registration fee. The only costs are International Travel, Local Travel, Accomodation and Subsistence. Accomodation options and information are provided on a separate page. Should you require support, please write to the Conference Secretariat and provide the following: Motivational Letter, CV, two Letters of Reference and your abstract (if you want to also present).
There are specific Outcomes planned for the conference. Election of the Steering Committee. African Light Source Resolutions. African Light Source Roadmap. These documents were available as drafts before the conference and they are now complete. They Steering Committee composition and also the Final Conference Documents may be downloaded from the left hand Conference Outcomes menu item.
Students Welcome
Students who would like to attend should register and in addition contact Conference Secretariat if they require financial support.

Organised in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency
News Flash
We are deeply shocked at the recent terrorist attacks in France. Our heartfelt condolences to all of those who have been affected.
We have official news that the African Light Source Conference and Workshop will still proceed.
Please allow for extra time in your arrangements as there are enhanced security procedures at airports and for the ESRF site entrance.
There has been a long history of a global conversation around the need for a Light Source in Africa.
- Starting in early August 2014, many of the participants of this conversation collectively advertised as widely as possible for nominations to the Interim Steering Committee for the African Light Source. The set of nominations received were taken as constituting this Committee, which was electronically launched on the 18 August 2014, co-inciding with the Furum Day of the African School of Physics, being held in Senegal. There needs to be a mandated vehicle to take the conversation forward.
The Interim Steering Committee for the African Light Source has the limited mandate to initiate a transparent, inclusive and democratic process, incarnated finally in a Workshop, where it can dissolve itself as the more representative and inclusive Steering Committee for the African Light Source is born. At the same time, a draft Roadmap for the African Light Source will be developed.
Conference Part
Showcase the role of Light Sources for Science and also African research using Light Sources. -
Workshop Part
Establish the Steering Committee and the Draft Roadmap for the African Light Source
Conference Part
- This is the first in a series of conferences. The venue has been selected to be on the campus of a premier international synchrotron light source. Future conferences will be held in Africa.
- With that foundation, the vision for an African Light Source will gradually be able to take form and mature, attracting support.
Participants will be African scientists, colleagues, students who have conducted research at Light Sources and friends of Africa who support the vision for an African Light Source.
Programme Outline
The draft programme is available from the Programme link in the left hand menu. The programme details, as they are updated, are avalaible in the Timetable link on the left hand menu.
- Scientific Conference Session - Presentations of African work at Light Sources and presentations of highlights and status globally. The Workshop will be able to review the status of the African User Base at international light sources.
- Strategy / Policy Part Workshop Session- Discussions on the Roadmap for Africa
- Election and Founding of the new, fully mandated Steering Committee for the African Light Source. The Interim Committee will dissolve itself as the Steering Committee for the African Light Source is born.
There is no registration fee. The only costs are International Travel, Local Travel, Accomodation and Subsistence. Accomodation options and information are provided on a separate page. Should you require support, please write to the Conference Secretariat and provide the following: Motivational Letter, CV, two Letters of Reference and your abstract (if you want to also present).
There are specific Outcomes planned for the conference. Election of the Steering Committee. African Light Source Resolutions. African Light Source Roadmap. These documents were available as drafts before the conference and they are now complete. They Steering Committee composition and also the Final Conference Documents may be downloaded from the left hand Conference Outcomes menu item.
Students Welcome
Students who would like to attend should register and in addition contact Conference Secretariat if they require financial support.
Organised in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency