15-20 November 2015
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The 1st African Light Source Conference and Workshop

Synchrotron Radiation and Structural Biology

16 Nov 2015, 11:30
Auditorium (ESRF)



71 avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France
Oral Presentations Main Scientific Talks


Prof. Sine Larsen (University of Copenhagen)


An overview will be given of how synchrotron radiation has revolutionized structural biology. To day the experiments are facilitated by the highly automated beamlines for diffraction and small angle scattering, and through partnerships like the PSB (Partnership for Structural Biology) in Grenoble complementary techniques are made available. These advances will be illustrated by our studies of PfEMP1 malariaproteins by diffraction and small angle scattering. The impact of experiments with free electron lasers on the future developments of structural biology at the synchrotron facilities will also be addressed. In relation to the creation of ALS I shall report on my personal experience with creating a network of researchers in the nordic countries supported by the EU funding.

Primary author

Prof. Sine Larsen (University of Copenhagen)

Presentation Materials