28 September 2014 to 3 October 2014
Matjiesfontein's Lord Milner Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=2&amp;confId=40" target="_self"><em><font color="#0000ff">Online material available: audio, notes, presentations</a></font></em>

Matjiesfontein GeoTrail Walk

30 Sep 2014, 09:00
2h 30m
Walking Tour (Matjiesfontein Field Trail)

Walking Tour

Matjiesfontein Field Trail


Prof. Erik Holm (Private)


Opening of the Matjiesfontein GeoTrail developed by final Inkaba Sub-Project 1.1 DTech students, Ms Danel van Tonder (TUT/UNW) and Mr Leon Croukamp (SU). Accompanied Walk with Prof. Erik Holm (Entomologist) on the Matjiesfontein GeoTrail to search and identify some of the Karoo's unique insects and spiders. As a renowned South African Entomologist, Prof. Holm will be able to share interesting and unfamiliar facts and figures about these insects and spiders on the Matjiesfontein terrane.

Presentation Materials