Abstract content <br>(Max 300 words)<br><a href="http://indico.saip.org.za/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=2&confId=28" target="_blank">Special Chars</a>
Adaptive Optics is a multidisciplinary topic with a growing number of applications, from ophthalmology to astronomy, each with their respective requirements. There are, to date, many methods, algorithms, components and devices that can be combined in a vast variety of ways for a wavefront-sensor design in Adaptive Optics. There is also an increasing number of didactic books, scientific papers and websites that assist one through the meanders of wavefront sensing, control and actuation. Nevertheless, they often tackle a specific subject or are organized in a sequential structure of general topics, short of displaying in a straightforward fashion how elements can be chosen to work together. Most groups indeed have the knowledge to make suitable decisions, but for a newcomer, the realm of available options is often fuzzy, from device to system level. In this context, we have envisioned a chart that will be useful to aid the visualization of possible choices and how they relate to each other.
We will focus on wavefront sensing and propose a method to display the available options, from wavefront generation to error analysis, aiming to assist in decision making and in organizing a testbench for simulation and optimization of a device or sensing system. This is based on a flow chart branching downwards and laterally, linking together only structurally feasible options. This detector sub-block of an Adaptive Optics system alone features such numerous pathways that we limit ourselves to detail just a few of the possible tracks to illustrate how one can couple simulation codes and tools to design a system and preview its performance. The chart is flexible enough to accommodate new developments on devices and codes. As the chart is communally extended to actuation and control, and its branches are cooperatively populated with simulation models, a more complete mapping of possible systems will result. We will present simulation results that include the effect of several components, including the sampling plane, photodetectors and electronic circuitry on wavefront reconstruction.