NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science (NEPHEWS) delivers access to the world-class collective of Europe’s premiere open advanced neutron (N), synchrotron (SR) and free-electron laser (FEL) complementary research infrastructures (RI), to promote curiosity driven excellence in research. In NEPHEWS the RI institute a novel approach with their 40k+ user base of scientists through Users Organisations to provide a user-driven access program targeting new and non-expert communities, with a focus on Widening countries, Ukraine and Africa, a priority. NEPHEWS community building activities in Africa will provide twinning opportunities at RI for experienced researchers, to then act as future ambassadors for SR/FEL and N science in their regions. In-person training opportunities at the HERCULES school for PhD students are available as well as virtual training on SR, FEL and N science inclusive of proposal writing.