All conference proceedings must be submitted via the AfLS Indico webpage:
The deadline for submission of proceedings papers is: 31 December 2024.
No late submissions will be considered.
The AfLS conference proceedings published new and novel research outputs presented and discussed at the annual AfLS conference. All proceedings must have some level of scientific impact.
- Summaries of already published results and review papers are not considered for publication.
- All proceeding papers will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers.
- Only papers delivered at the AfLS7-2024 annual conference will be considered for publication.
- Submissions from presenters that did not deliver papers will not be considered.
(no-shows or late cancellations)
Only proceedings correctly formatted using the official AfLS7-2024 proceedings template will be accepted.
The Latex and MSWord templates are available here:
Note the naming of the file: abstract 3-digit-number-surname of first author.pdf